The next event in solidarity with USACBI as part of the Resist Racist Repression, Defend Solidarity with the Palestinian People: National Defense Campaign will take place on Sunday, October 21 from 3 pm to 5 pm at 518 Valencia St in San Francisco.
USACBI is co-sponsoring this event along with Arab Resource and Organizing Center (AROC), National Lawyers Guild (NLG) – Bay Area, Palestine Legal, Center for Political Education (CPE), Palestinian Youth Movement (PYM) and International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network (IJAN).
This event will:
– highlight the ASA lawsuit as an attack on the academic boycott and BDS movement in the context of broader right-wing and Zionist repression, including of students/GUPS activists
– build support for academic boycott organizing and the Study Abroad in Israel boycott campaign:
– connect freedom of movement across colonial borders in the US/North America and in Palestine, linking Israel’s deportations and ban on Palestinian travel to sanctuary activism and immigrant/refugee solidarity here
Liz Jackson (Palestine Legal) on Zionist repression in the academy
David Palumbo-Liu (USACBI) on lawfare vs USACBI and alt-right repression (including that directed against Campus Antifascist Network )
Sunaina Maira (USACBI) on boycott of Study Abroad programs
Yusra Oweis (GUPS, AROC), about repression at San Francisco State University and attacks on GUPS
Kung Feng (Bay Resistance, Jobs for Justice) on the sanctuary movement in the Bay Area
Sharif Zakout (AROC) will introduce the panel
Moderated by Sara Kershnar (IJAN)